
Warby Parker - Bellevue, Washington

I had a great time working with Warby Parker on their store in Bellevue, Washington. I loved turning my art ideas into reality there. Thanks to Matt Singer and the team at Warby Parker for the opportunity!

Step 1 - Research

I tested different colors and designs in a space using my art. I tried different color combinations and designs to see what feels best for the customer. I used programs like SketchUp, Adobe Dimensions, and Cinema 4D to make 3D models of my ideas.

Step 2 - Roughs

I drew things that felt meaningful, not just specific ideas. I often include shapes and birds in my sketches. I get inspired in places like coffee shops, on bus rides, and even in grocery store lines. Here are some sketches I made.

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Step 3 - High Fidelity

I made detailed artwork using vector graphics for this big project. Even though I'm dyslexic and sometimes make errors like spelling mistakes or repeating words, I gave it my best shot.

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Step 4 - Gratitude

It's amazing to see my art come to life! I love making art, and being appreciated and paid for it feels great. Thanks to Matt Singer for a fantastic collaboration. If you're in Seattle or Bellevue, Washington, visit the store for some glasses and try sushi at Rolls and Rolls + Sushi.

Warby Parker
575 Bellevue Square, Bellevue, WA 98004

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